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Jepera Public Speaking
You can register for one or more modules

When asked, Jepera can assist you in composing the text of your oral plea in contemporary English.
The content of your message will allways be up to you. Jepera will show you how to translate your thoughts in the best possible way : to the point, entertaining and convincing.
Jepera offers suggestions and will let you hear just how your oral plea will actually sound.
The content of your oral plea will always be yours to decide.

Jepera can adapt your oral plea to your personal speaking style and preferences.
There are those words and expressions, nearly impossible to pronounce and 'getting stuck' on a word or a phrase during your oral plea rarely comes across as professional.
A lack of preparation can diminish or even undo the effect of your words.
'Preparation, preparation, preparation (dixit John F. Kennedy).

Once your oral plea has been composed and customized, Jepera can assist you during the rehearsing. You can practice in front of a mirror, but why not record your efforts on camera?
Jepera will play the part of your audience, listening to what you say and, most of all, how you say it. Make no mistake, nobody can deliver a good oral plea without rehearsing.
You will decide when you're ready to deliver your oral plea, but never forget :'Practice makes perfect'.
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